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These are just some frequently asked questions about volunteering.

How many hours do I need to submit?

Over the course of your 4 years at the Medical Science Academy you will need to complete 100 hours to fulfill the Y.E.S Hour requirement. This means that every year you will have to complete 25 hours each year and 12.5 hours each semester.

Can I do my hours during the summer?

Yes, you can complete 25 out of your 100 hours over the summer. Any additional hours will not be counted towards your 100 hour requirement. For example, if you complete 25 hours during the summer before your sophomore year, then you will no longer receive credit for any hours you do during the next two summers.

 How do I submit my hours?

To submit your hours, click the volunteer tab at the top and click on "Upload Hours" this will take you to a google form that you must fill out. *Make sure to also submit a photo of the physical Y.E.S Hours Form or else the hours cannot be credited.

Are there restriction on where I can and can't volunteer?

There are some specific guidelines. These can be found in this document: Y.E.S Guidelines



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