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MedSci Meeting 09/07: Celiac Disease and an Ice Cream Company!

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

By: Mihir Sekhar; Director of Activities.

This month’s speaker, Ms. Jessica discussed her journey from learning about having celiac disease and having to struggle with dairy sensitivity, to creating her own ice cream company (Frönen) for those with similar medical issues.

One of the key takeaways from the meeting for many of our MedSci students was how regardless of where we are in life (high school, college, medical school, and more) we can still make a difference by identifying certain health-related issues and tackling them head on to help others. Jessica’s story about having a medical issue and then starting her own company helps show the different/unique avenues that students can use in Medicine.

Remember that being in the Medical Field can incorporate all types/forms of jobs and is not just limited to being a physician! And, in Jessica’s case, being an entrepreneur let her not only indulge herself in having both tasty and healthy foods, but inspire and promote creative thinking around her community!


A Message from the Officers:

Thank you to everyone who came to our very first MedSci Meeting! It was great to meet everyone and get to know some of the new faces here at Hightower. Our next meeting will be on September 26th with a special guest from John Hopkins, with some fun activities to get to know each other even better!


If you have any questions please contact us on Remind, the MedSci Email, or Instagram!

Helpful Resources:

MedSci Newsletter-


Freshmen - @MedSci2026

Sophomores - @MedSci 2025

Juniors - @MedSci 2024

Seniors - @MedSci 2023




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